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Wallmapu ex situ

Conferencia #1

November 17th, 2020 – 19:30 hs.

Co-hosted by la_cápsula at Kunstraum Walcheturm (Kanonengasse 20, 8004 Zurich)



Wallmapu is the name given by the Mapuche to the territory they inhabit, which is today officially called Araucanía, and is largely part of the national territory of Chile. For 400 years, the Wallmapu has been the scene of a complex territorial conflict between Mapuche communities, the Chilean state, transnational forestry companies and the descendants of European settlers - amongst them a Swiss diaspora.


Wallmapu ex situ is a virtual space in the form of a zoom conference room, a real existing space of encounter, yet geographically not locatable. Following indigenous ontologies and Bruno Latour's Parliament of Things, human representatives of non-human actors from Switzerland and Chile meet here to reflect on their entanglements with the colonial history of Wallmapu – and in order to jointly develop new narrative forms for this history. 

The virtual conference room is used in its capacity as an intermediate space in which traditional boundaries and hierarchies can be crossed in a speculative manner, and in which urgent discourses can take place for which there is no room in real politics.

Languages: German and Spanish

The event will also be live streamed:

Concept & artistic direction: Aldir Polymeris & Nina Willimann

Experts core team: Jose Cáceres Mardones, Mara Meier, Paula Baeza Pailamilla

Dramaturgical accompaniment: Johanna Hilari

Production management: Production dock / Elena Conradt

Special thanks to: Francisco Ríos Araya, Rayén Daza Pilquinao, David Stark, Liv Zumstein


Co-production: Schlachthaus Theater Bern, South Pole Lucerne, la_cápsula Zurich

Supported by: Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern, COINCIDENCIA - South America Programme by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, m2act - Migros Culture Percentage Promotion and Networking Project for Performing Arts

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