Image: Colectivo Mujeres Grabando Resistencias , México 2018
Argentina, 2015
“El epicentro del terremoto feminista que está transformando Argentina se registró el 11 de mayo, 2015 en Twitter. Ese día, la policía localizó el cadáver de Chiara Pérez, una adolecente de 14 años embarazada que había sido golpeada hasta la muerte y enterrada en el patio por los abuelos del novio.”


Image: Annie Sprinkle

#houseworkpandemic #haircutsforplanetarysurvival
Australia, 2020
These two hashtags have been created during the Covid-19 pandemic respectively by Dr Jennifer Mae Hamilton and Dr Astrida Neimanis, both of whom started the reading group and blog COMPOSTING Feminisms and Environmental Humanities in September 2015. The first one aims to collect “tales of simultaneous housework, schoolwork, workwork: tales of woe, joy, gender, logistics, environment, failure, stress, success, resistance, solidarity etc"… during the quarantine. The second one collects “stories of shaving your head, cutting your own hair, cutting your family/household members' hair, or getting into some bodiliy "rewilding" in times of social distancing”
#houseworkpandemic #haircutsforplanetary
Image: Hacking the Anthropocene Symposium, Australia 2020

Bolivia, 2020
Con este #hashtag, la psicóloga anarco-feminista y activista María Galindo, defiende el mantener el cuerpo de las mujeres en cuarentena, seguro y sin violencia.
En su programa de radio dice: "Estar obligada a quedarse en casa no es igual a aguantar y callar violencias machistas."
Radio Deseo es llevado por el colectivo "Mujeres Creando"

Italy, March 2020
(I stay at home, but) is a campaign initiated by @nonunadimeno (organization of feminist collectives in Rome) that collects the voices and demands of women in quarantine. They connect and circulate tools and information to help and support each other.
FOLLOW them in instagram
--- “Contro la violenza maschile sulle donne e la violenza di genere, noi abbiamo un Piano!” ---

Russia, Ukraine, 2016
Russian speaking women created a movement in social media where they publicly shared stories of abuse, and organized flash mobs focused on pointing out gender sexual violence at home and on the streets.
The movement helped visibilize levels of gender violence, create statistics, a safe space to speak up, and even technology, such as the ring-looking alarm button for women in urgent situations.

#METOO #AgainstSexualHarrassment
France, 2017
French journalist Sandra Muller created the french version of #metoo, #BalanceTonPorc starting with a series of Twitter posts recounting her experiences with Mr. Eric Brion, "a media consultant and former executive at the public broadcaster France Télévisions and the horse-racing channel Equidia."
"In her posts, she also encouraged women to speak out against sexual harassment, and tens of thousands of them adopted the #BalanceTonPorc hashtag, spurring a wider discussion on gender relations and sexual norms in France." (Aurelien Breeden, NY Times)

Chile, 2019
El 25.11.2019 (Día internacional de la eliminación de la violencia contra la mujer), el colectivo chileno 'Las Tesis' organizó el performance feminista “Un Violador en tu Camino”. La letra del performance adapta textos de Rita Segato y transforma la canción de los carabineros de Chile “un amigo en tu camino” para denunciar la violencia del sistema patriarcal contra la mujer. El performance se hizo viral y se convirtió en el himno de la lucha feminista actual. Ha sido traducido a múltiples idiomas y organizado por mujeres en muchos países alrededor del mundo.

#yositecreo #hermanayositecreo
España, 2017
(i believe you) During the trial of “La Manada” (5 guys accused of gang-raping a girl in Pamplona in 2016), the defence’s strategy was to question the behaviour of the victim, implying she consented because she didn’t fight back. Initially the gang was only charged with sexual abuse because the judges could not prove they used violence to rape her (??). The response in social media with #yositecreo & #noesno, as well as the public demonstrations were so overwhelming that the case had to be revised by the federal court. Finally in 2019 “La Manada” was sentenced to 15 years in prison for rape and intimidation charges.
#yositecreo #yositecreo #hermanayositecreo
#Ibelieveyou #yositecreo

Brazil, 2018
Brazilian politician Marielle Franco was shot and killed on March 2018 in Rio di Janeiro. She was black, gay, single mother, a feminist, activist for human rights and spoke out about police violence in Rio’s slums. It is still not clear who ordered the murder of Marielle, but much has been speculated about the possible involvement of Bolsonaro. #mariellepresente honours her legacy and the importance of her political work in Brasil, and of her image as “an intersectional representation of the many wars being fought”.

Image: Proyecto Pinto mi Raya, México 2018
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) of the United Nations is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Image: Colectivo Equidad , México 2019
#pieklokobiet #czarnyprotesttrwa
Poland, 2018
These hashtags reference the pro-abortion demonstrations in Poland and translate as “black protest” or “women’s hell”. Recently, the polish Parliament tried to push for further abortion restrictions taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic. The proposed changes included abolishing access to termination due to fetal abnormalities and a ban on sexual education. Thanks to the protests of women the plans of the Parliament to vote on these restrictions have been postponed. Besides the widespread use of these hashtags, women in Poland found creative ways to demonstrate on the streets amid social distancing norms, for example carrying signs while waiting in line outside of shops or on their car windows. International support on social media has also been important.

#pieklokobiet #czarnyprotesttrwa

Sexual workers have been left outside of government policies to help workers during the Covid-19 crisis, evidencing the failure of the system, which marginalizes them and leaves them unprotected and extremely vulnerable to violence and to the violation of their civil and human rights. The hashtag exists since long time ago and has been used by collectives of sexual workers in Latin America and Spain to raise their voice and evidence the inequalities they face on a daily basis. It is urgent that we create solidarity to their cause.

#PrimaveraVioleta #24AMX #NosQueremosVivas #NoVengoDeTuCostillaTuVienesDeMiUtero #JuntasSomosMasFuertes
Mexico, 2014
La campaña #vivasnosqueremos fue iniciada por el colectivo Mujeres Grabando Resistencias MUGRE, con el objetivo de crear gráficas con mensajes contra la violencia hacia las mujeres, los feminicidios y el derecho de las mujeres a la autodefensa. La campaña fue muy exitosa y desde entonces ha estado presente en las redes sociales y en infinidad de protestas y acciones feministas. Se ha convertido en uno de los slogans de la lucha feminista en America Latina.

Image: Colectivo Mujeres Grabando Resistencias, México 2019

Image: México 2019
Canada, 2015
Highschool student Laura Anderson initiated the social media campaign #MyBodyMyBusiness to protest after the vice principal of her school sent her home for wearing ripped jeans and a t-shirt. The hashtag has become a slogan for the feminist movement, defending the right of women over their own bodies.

Austria, 2019
Drawing inspiration from the hashtag #mybodymybusinness, this hashtag was created by fashion designer and activist Naomi Afia, as a way to defend the right of muslim women to dress as they choose.
Afia is the owner of a fashion label that creates fashion for muslim women and her slogan is: “What does the outside say about my inside? Don't judge me because of the way I dress.”
Follow her instagram @naomi_afia

USA, 2018
The hashtag was first used in a letter signed by a group of Hollywood actresses after the Weinstein accusations came to light. The letter, which was published by the New York TImes, was a campaign against sexual abuse and discrimination of women at work. Today TimesUp is a Foundation that “aims to create a society free of gender-based discrimination in the workplace and beyond”.
Safe, fair,and dignified work for women of all kinds.

On 22 December 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations established an annual international day to recognise the critical role women and girls play in science and technology. International Day of Women and Girls in Science was celebrated for the first time on February 11th, 2016, implemented by UNESCO and UN-Women in collaboration with institutions and civil society partners with the objective of promoting full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. The UN invited people to join the conversation using the hashtag.

Image: Tarot illustrations by Matteo Farinella

Image: Argentina 2018

Argentina, Diciembre 2018
(look how we get)
“Mirá cómo nos ponemos” surgió a raíz de las acusaciones de violación que hizo la actriz Thelma Fardin contra el actor Juan Darthés. La frase hace alusión a "las palabras supuestamente dichas por el actor a diversas mujeres al momento de presuntamente cometer los abusos: "mirá como me ponés", obligándolas a tocar su pene erecto y culpándolas de tal reacción.” El hashtag se convirtió en un movimiento para denunciar la agresión y el acoso sexual.
Brasil, 2018
(not him) The hashtag references a movement initiated by brazilian women to protest against Jair Bolsonaro and his presidential campaign.
The protests, which occurred in September 2018, were the most numerous protests by women in Brazil and the largest popular concentration during the 2018 Brazilian general election.
#fuckBolsonaro #EleNãoEleNunca

#Bomba Estéreo
Colombia, 2016
El hashtag deriva de la canción de Bomba Estéreo, que reivindica el poder que radica en sentirse bien con una misma:
Y no te preocupes si no te aprueban
Cuando te critiquen, tú solo di
Soy yo

October 2017, USA
Campaign founded by activist Tarana Burke (2006), but became famous in 2017 when Alyssa Milano invited women to use #metoo to denounce sexual harassment. Actresses used the hashtag to expose Harvey Wienstein’s sexual misconduct, and millions of women have used it to share their own stories of sexual harassment.

Artist Nilbar Güreş created a textile collage in 2006 under the title “Self Defloration”. Her work and the hashtag expose the patriarchal notion of “keeping the flower” and the importance of the hymen as (yet another) strategy of patriarchy to control women’s bodies. Thus, Nilbar Güreş defines self-defloration as an act of female emancipation.
MEXA! Es un archivo de publicaciones independientes de México. Recopilamos material y lo activamos a través de exposiciones y talleres. Desde 2019 nuestro enfoque ha sido el contenido feminista y la recopilación de hashtags feministas.
MEXA! Is an archive of independent publications from Mexico. We collect material and activate it through displays and workshops. Since 2019 our focus has been feminist content and the compilation of feminist hashtags.